Trip preparations and packing list


It is essential to respect the local customs/traditions with the clothing that you pack. Please respect this and pack modest clothes.  You will be asked to change your clothes if these guidelines are not followed. This is extremely important!

Please note there are no laundry facilities on this trip, however you can hand wash your clothes if necessary. Most people make the mistake of bringing too much clothing .  A suggestion: Avoid nylon and other synthetics which can be very uncomfortable in hot weather.

Travel light – you are away for one week. Pack only one bag/suitcase to check in and one carry-on bag/backpack. Best to have identification tags on your luggage.

Luggage: A vehicle will be dropping us directly to the village in Hoa Binh, therefore, if you wish to bring a suitcase or wheelie bag, that will be fine. Please ensure that you also bring a day pack for smaller items, as we will be walking each day.

On our last day in Hanoi, we will be visiting a mausoleum, and students will be required to wear clothes covering your knees and shoulders. This applies to both males and females.

Suggested packing list (this may be updated closer to the trip date):

1 – 2 long sleeved shirts/blouses

6 short sleeved shirts or T-shirt – no offensive slogans

1 pairs trousers or 1 skirt (below knee)

3-4 pairs shorts

Tracksuit pants (it can get cool at night, and protects from insects)

Lighter sweater

Undergarments/Daily Essentials


Trainers (a few pairs is a good idea in case of bad weather)

Sandals or flip flops (for shower)

Wet weather jacket (plastic poncho is fine)



Personal toiletries

Small towel

Small day bag


Insect repellent (DEET)

Water bottle

Pillow (optional, but may assist in sleeping)

Ear plugs (you may share a room with someone who snores)

Sunglasses (optional)


Cards to play in the evening or other small game (optional)

Camera (optional)

If you wear glasses (or contacts) it is also advisable to bring a spare pair.


If you have more than one passport, make sure you bring the passport that you gave a copy of to school to use in buying your airline ticket.

Technology: You do not need technology on this trip. If you would like to bring your phone/iPod that is ok, we ask you to be considerate and thoughtful in relation to your use of the technology, particularly when we are in Mai Chau.

Spending money: We will be visiting the local markets where anything and everything is available. There will be an opportunity for you to buy snacks if you wish. We recommend you allow a figure of at least $250 – $350 HKD in total. It is advisable to bring all of your money in the form of cash. The trip leaders will not be responsible for looking after your money.

Valuables: Like most places in the world, you need to be security conscious whilst travelling in Vietnam. Please do not bring unnecessary valuables along with you such as jewellery or expensive watches. Although all care and attention will be exercised, teachers will not look after your valuables.