Daily Archives: February 16, 2016

#LoveLocksHK campaign

Posted by Peter MUIR

View this clip to see how Care For Children’s #LoveLocksHK campaign raised enough funds to place 1,400 children out of orphanages and into local, loving families.

KELY Support group

Posted by Peter MUIR

KELY_Support_Group_logoKELY Support group is a non-governmental organization that provides confidential support to both international and local youth of 14-24 years old in Hong Kong. Fostering a positive community with methods of help and guidance stemming from peer support, KELY actively aims to cultivate the next generation of leaders through social programs that target social, communication and self development.

If you would like to support KELY, feel free to fill in this form in order to receive the latest volunteering opportunities (aka subscribe to them!). KELY is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers and is open to all ages, ethnicities, and talents.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to initiate a CAS activity of your own- feel free to recruit a few friends and start your OWN fundraising for KELY here! Collaborating with friends and initiating such event is a great way to boost your planning, communication and cooperation skills!

Bring me a book

Posted by Peter MUIR

BMAB logo_billingalDid you know? Hong Kong has one of the lowest rates of family literacy in the world. Just 12% of HK parents engage with their child in pre-school literacy activities (such as singing songs, telling stories and reading books). This is less than a third of the international average (37%).

Why is family literacy important? Research has found that access to quality books is crucial for reading success, and that reading out loud to children is the most important activity for their school success.

Bring Me A Book is an organisation that has helped over 120,000 children in accessing quality books through various programmes. Over 17,000 educators
and parents have participated in their read aloud training programmes.

How you can help:

  • Going to their office to help make plastic protective covers for books
  • Becoming a trained storyteller for storytelling sessions at community centres and libraries
  • Contributing new content for their website and social media platforms
  • Creating and managing a storytelling programme in the community

Find out more here